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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:15 am
by hairymick
Heya Hank,, That second butt is looking real good mate. the first one will sand up fine. Just be sure to remove all excess woodflour without taking too much ply. :D

If you run a very clean paint scaper along the top of your joint before the wood flour goes hard, you can remove ALL excess wood flour and then lay the glass matt directly onto it and then wet the whole lot out. This saves a LOT of sanding. 8)

A couple of points, your scraper needs to be absolutely clean and free from any hard resin from a previous job. The blade edge has to be dead straight and smooth.

I have several scrapers and routinely clean the blades with sandpaper.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:16 pm
by Hank
Wow. It's been a while since I worked on the ol' canoe. After letting the spliced panels age like fine wine :oops:, I've decided to try putting them together. Woo!


As you can see, I've elected to go with the tie-wraps and washers for spacers. Before I got completely wacky and installed the middle panels I thought I'd go over the instructions to see how I'm supposed to position the temporary frames. This reading has led me to a question:

How do I know where to put the frames?

Page 3-30, Step 2, Sub-Step 7 says: "Use the Frame Reference drawing to locate and mark the location of the frames on each bottom panel.

Page 11-30, Step 7, Sub-Step 1 says: "Align the Mid Frame with the seams created by the two joined halves of the panels. The other frames will align with the frame reference lines drawn earlier.

When I look for a Frame Reference drawing I can find a drawing that shows me the dimensions of the frames and another that's a sort of high-level overview of how the various panels will nest onto the plywood sheets, but I can find no indication on either of these that will tell me where the non-Mid Frames are supposed to go.

I suppose I could get a tape out and find the spots where the lengths of the various sides of the frames match the widths of the panels, but I'm hoping that I've just missed something.

- Hank

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:11 am
by jem
I emailed you a file.

It's the Frame Ref Drawing that should have come with the plans.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:40 am
by Hank
Hi Matt -

Thanks for the response. Are you sure you e-mailed the file? I checked that account (and the spam folder just to be sure) and there's no sign of it.

- Hank

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:14 am
by jem
just sent it again. I may have typo-ed the first attempted.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:20 am
by Hank
Got it! Thanks.

- Hank