Posting pictures in the forum

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Joined: Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:58 am

Re: Posting pictures in the forum

Post by Chinook »

Photo Bucket has angered many on the web by changing it's terms of services to prevent hotlinking images to forums and message boards unless your willing to pay $399 a year effectively ruining the web for many of us.

I have hundreds of images scattered around message boards on the web and It's a daunting task to fix all of them, on some message boards I visit I see the vast majority of links are broken effectively ruining the experience.

Fortunately the are some very smart people out there who have been P..... off and offered various fixes, but it's a game of cat and mouse, right now the best bet is to Google "photo bucket fix"

The latest fix (been working for 3 months) involves adding an extension to Chrome or Firefox and has been working great. ... 1868306335
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Type of boat I like: JEM Trapper by Matt
Location: Chicago

Re: Posting pictures in the forum

Post by LesForgue »

Yes Chinook It is sad,
sadly but truly easement often evolves into payment.
Les Richard Forgue
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