Beach breakers ? Canoe breakers?

Worth mentioning but don't fit in other categories.
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Beach breakers ? Canoe breakers?

Post by LesForgue »

Seems like to me that on a big lake, whitecaps and breakers near a beach are caused by a combination of shallow water plus undertows. My JEM Trapper 15-38 canoe gets totally removed from my control by the breakers and especially the undertows before the one or two seconds it takes for me to get it wet and get position in it for paddling. My plan for next time is to wade and line it past the breakers and only then get in the canoe and start paddling. Any critiques of my theory and remedial plan? PLEASE NOTE I seldom put my canoe on Lake Michigan and then I never go beyond a quick swim/float/wade to shore AND I do NOT recommend Lake Michigan for open canoes. Thanks.
Les Richard Forgue
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Re: Beach breakers ? Canoe breakers?

Post by jem »

I grew up right next to Lake Michigan. Definitely not an open canoe body of water. Maybe kneeling would help?
-Matt. Designer.
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