Bonnie Scotland in a seven day Sassy

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Bonnie Scotland in a seven day Sassy

Post by zeb »

Hi fellas
After a long time with all w*rk and no play and seeing Mick's blogg(sorry Bob I forgot to reply :oops: )I was determined to get away.After setting the date for the trip I thought I would put a bit of spice in the mix and try to build my sassy in seven days :shock:
Well I did it with help from my friend Andy and his son James but she aint pretty!!

some planks

A boat

thwarts and yoke fitted

On the road :D

We stayed at the Galloway activity centre on the banks of Loch Ken
home for a couple of days


couple of wood boats
impatient paddler
so impatient she forgot her boat!
Shes a real water baby I now call her Ellie the otter(heart swells with pride and love)_

put in

some more of loch

the sasquatch is an awesome boat,she just glides and glides,very easy to stear ect. simply ticks all the boxes.
Im gonna give her a good sanding and problies paint the outside green.
I will be shortly asking Matt for another licence to build another one or maybe even buy plans for the 15 footer.
Totally awesome canoe Matt,thank you zeb and Ellie
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Re: Bonnie Scotland in a seven day Sassy

Post by OnkaBob »

Well that was a report worth waiting for Zeb! The loch has some wonderful scenery judging by those photos - must be even better in real life. I especially like the shots of the mist on the water. We get that on our local creek sometimes and it's just so picturesque.

As for the 7 day Sassy - I'm utterly astounded you could do it in that time :shock: - job well done 8) .
Cheers, Bob

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Re: Bonnie Scotland in a seven day Sassy

Post by jem »

OnkaBob wrote:
As for the 7 day Sassy - I'm utterly astounded you could do it in that time :shock: - job well done 8) .
It's a 10-panel hull. That is some fast building!!! :shock:
-Matt. Designer.
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Re: Bonnie Scotland in a seven day Sassy

Post by Mick »

Geez Zeb,

You and Ellie sure live in a beautiful part of the world!. Thank you for sharing this mate. And please give Ellie a big hug for me.
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Re: Bonnie Scotland in a seven day Sassy

Post by rodot »

Good heavens, one week to build that. :shock: I've been at the Northwind for about five weeks now and have only got as far as splicing the panels. :cry:

A great location. I have always wanted to visit Scotland, but its a bit of a distance from Australia. One day though.

By the way, I'm shivering from here just seeing Ellie in that water.

Cheers Roger
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Re: Bonnie Scotland in a seven day Sassy

Post by zeb »

Thanks Bob,a paddle in the early morning mist is one of my favourite things in the world.
Dont knock taking your time with your Northwind Roger,ive got an awful lot of remedial work to tidy her up,give me a shout when you can get to Scotland(Ellie knows some great swimming holes :wink: 0)
Big hug passed on and returned Mick,any builds in the pipeline?
Matt,that trapper just called and called :lol:
Went to the Trossachs the week after this report.
couple of piccies of Loch Lubnaig
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Re: Bonnie Scotland in a seven day Sassy

Post by zeb »

Thought I would just tack this on here,went back up Scotland at the weekend.
The Sasquatch performed perfectly,its simply an awesome canoe.
As you can see i painted(badly)her green!
out on the loch
stopped of on a small island for a cuppa
Return journey
you might just about be able to see the red kite
After years of persecution they were reintroduced to England and Scotland
There were only a tiny amount of kites in remote Welsh valleys before reintroduction into the rest of UK.
As I returned to camp site I bumped into my brother-in-law fishing,he took the sassy off my hands and took her on her first fishing trip,sorry bout the blurry picies,he was off like a shot!!!
He returned a couple of hours later,empty handed but with a grin ear to ear.
Hes ex army(now in territorial s,did a tour of Afghanistan last year) and has canoed quite a bit,he was VERY impressed with the canoe.
Well I've got the trapper plans in my grubbies now and hope to be starting real soon :D
All The Best
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